Sheave Hand Shield

SI Hand Guards are an improvement to safety on location. If elected, SI Hand Guards can be installed on the SI 14” & 18” Top Rigging Sheave. The shield arms are set so that the taut wireline is centered in the hand shield ring and locked securely in position. The split plastic shells close around the wireline and twist-lock into the hand shield rings. These shields are sturdy, providing maximum protection. All details are universal to the left-hand and right-hand shields.

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Hand Guards

SI Hand Guards are an improvement to safety on location. If elected, SI Hand Guards can be installed on the SI 14” & 18” Top Rigging Sheave. The shield arms are set so that the taut wireline is centered in the hand shield ring and locked securely in position. The split plastic shells close around the wireline and twist-lock into the hand shield rings. These shields are sturdy, providing maximum protection. All details are universal to the left-hand and right-hand shields.

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